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  • Rue Delambre

    As soon as the plane takes off the city
  • Value and Reverie

    The dog dreams on the rug
  • Six Blessings and a Curse

    Weigh odds. Pray. Pay bills.
  • Musée des Beaux Arts 

    Look at the science, already. 
  • Pentimento

    Meet me by the shadows & ponds of light where
  • Labyrinth (Lear)

    A poorly timed abdication. A madness
  • Ödön von Horváth | Brief Incident in Short a, Long a, and Schwa | My Friend’s Creation | Contingency (Vs. Necessity)

    Cat, gray tabby, calm, watches large, black ant.  Man, rapt, stands staring at cat and
  • WINDOWS (after Baudelaire)

    You never see as much in an open window as you will looking at it when it’s closed. 
  • Vita Nova

    Born on the outskirts of the Romanian kingdom
  • A Wedding in the Hotel

    Sorry, the dining room’s closed:
  • Always a Woman, a War, or a Lost Cause

    That hunched those men over Zorro’s
  • To the Poets Dropped from the Norton Anthology of Modern Poetry

    Au revoir, Walter de la Mare!