Tim Postovit

About Tea translated from Czech by Stephan Delbos
September 24, 2023 Postovit Tim



before we set out let’s promise each other
when we get home we’ll have black tea
of course it could happen


that we won’t come home at all
the ocean will flush us away
a typhoon will take us


the coast guard will capture us
in territorial waters
off the ivory coast


let’s bind ourselves with guarantees
like a wreath of dandelions
like a shaheed’s belt


let’s promise each other
when we get home we’ll have black tea



o čaji


před cestou je potřeba si slíbit
že si doma dáme černý čaj
je totiž možné


že domů vůbec nedojedeme
že nás spláchne oceán
že nás odnese tajfun

že nás zajme pobřežní stráž
v teritoriálních vodách
pobřeží slonoviny


je potřeba se ovázat zárukami –
jako věncem z pampelišek
jako šáhidovým pásem


je potřeba si slíbit
že si doma dáme černý čaj

Tim Postovit was born in Ukraine, spent his early childhood in Israel and has lived in the Czech Republic since the age of six. He studies Russian philology at Charles University in Prague. In 2019 he published his debut collection of poems, Magistrála (Highway). A poem from this book was featured in the annual Best Czech Poetry anthology. He also performs slam poetry and holds the 2019 joint title for best slam poetry performance in the Czech Republic.