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  • Daniel J. Ayoroa translated from Spanish by Frances Simán and Mihaela Moscaliuc  

    Daniel J. Ayoroa translated from Spanish by Frances Simán and Mihaela Moscaliuc   Ada Byron   It can be said that the first weaves algebraic drawings, just as Jacquard’s loom weaves flowers and leaves. Ada Byron I   Through a network of windows I discover that Ada Byron (daughter of Lord Byron) devised the first computer algorithm.

  • Two Poems translated from Spanish by Diana Conchado

    I have always liked bell towers
  • Three Poems and a Translation

    In life I was chasing a deer. In sleep the deer
  • Happiness on Earth

    Especially if you were waking
  • First Words

    In the marriage booth at sleep-away camp,
  • The Neighbor’s War and Walking Backwards

    Through my kitchen window I can watch
  • Three Poems

    I sat in the late day sun
  • For D, reading poems

    When I was a kid, only a flu could buy me
  • The Next Life and Windpowered

    Sea fog drifting through the pines—
  • A History of Mirrors

    We’ve accidentally collided with something real tonight
  • Delilah Miklave

    You think that you know baptism
  • A Brief Portfolio

    Our first time at the Sistine Chapel, prior to the restoration, the colors were dulled,