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  • I Can’t Tell If the Light Is Whispering “Loss” in My Ear or Imprinting Darkness on My Body

    At the last house,
  • A Brief Portfolio

    When the light goes out, and the book is set down
  • Checkerboard Mesa

    Dear mesa, dome of rock, do you remember your deep past?
  • Two Poems translated from the Persian by Sholeh Wolpé

    I’ve heard the volley of a thousand soldiers,
  • Gott im Himmel and The Corner of Bellington Street and Sparta

    Gott was thicket, thorned, glottal,
  • Three Poems translated from Argentinian Spanish by Lorena Wolfman

    Entering the house from the back without letting anyone know,
  • Kintsugi and We Did Not Murder One Another

    t will be spring  sometime, when the autumn dies, when the thaw melts.
  • Remnant Tongue

    I woke wounded
  • “October, and the sun burnishes”

    October, and the sun burnishes the leaves so brightly you
  • Three Poems

    Heat, filthy, gut-sick heat in my city’s cobblestone streets.
  • [There was the way his mother]

    There was the way his mother called him baby-faced that made me defensive.
  • Puritan Watc, Yonder and Birthday

    Longitude was the great mystery