Amit Majmudar

Amit Majmudar‘s newly published collection of essays is Black Avatar and Other Essays (Acre Books, 2023). Twin A: A Memoir (Slant Books, 2023) is his forthcoming memoir, in prose and verse, about his son’s congenital heart disease. The first volume of his Mahabharata trilogy, The Book of Vows, is forthcoming in India (Penguin India, 2023), as well as a book for younger readers, The Later Adventures of Hanuman (Puffin India, 2023).
  • Little Poems, ed. Michael Hennessy Everyman’s Library Pocket Poets Series, reviewed by Amit Majmudar

    All anthologies are arbitrary, but some are more arbitrary than others.
    Issue #147 November 2023
  • American Upanishad (IV)

    The I is a pillar,
  • Horoscope and American Upanishad

    Two hearts can charge the moment they meet,
  • Poem with Ginger in it

    This rough hooked lump, this botched
  • Three Dances | Early Warning System

    In North Carolina
  • Joint Effort

    Let the hunchback lie hump down