Happy 10th Anniversary, us! We’re very pleased to announce that this year’s print anthology, Plume Poetry 10, is now available! A great read for those who love poetry, teach poetry, and who write poetry.
Given, well, the success of its predecessor’ new format –45 “well-known/established” poets (for lack of better descriptor) contribute a poem; then each of these poets introduce a poem from a ”less well-known/established” poet, whom they have selected and believe merit a brighter spotlight – Plume Poetry 10 will continue in the same vein. Also, like last year, in early readings, we’ve received tremendous feedback — the poems again, to our eye, at least, extraordinary, and the resulting selections make for a more diverse reading experience. I hope you like it.
Plume Poetry 10 includes new poems from the above-mentioned “established” poets, ranging from Juan Felipe Herrera to Jane Hirshfield, Kwame Dawes to Rae Armantrout — and so many more, with a Featured Selection including new translations, essays on and photographs of Rimbaud, by Mark Irwin. Order heartily and enjoy! Stock up for holidays, birthday’s, classroom use — we won’t ask.
Advanced Praise for Plume Poetry 10
“‘I like a hitch in the line, like you— / my little art is doubling, too,’ writes Maurice Manning, and Plume Poetry 10 doubles the reader’s pleasure. Rhyme’s basis is the companionship of sound and sound, and the companionship of poet and poet is the basis of this anthology. Its structuring principle is as inspired as the poems that comprise it. Familiar names invite unfamiliar ones, so the joy of recognition alternates with the joy of discovery. You get to see where the art is and where it is headed. Mark Irwin’s kinetic translations of Arthur Rimbaud show us still other kinds of poetic companionship—that of poet and translator, and of the dead and the living. This anthology is the perfect companion for every lover of American poetry.”
– Amit Majmudar
“Someone once asked Tennessee Williams what younger playwrights he admired. He replied, ‘Honey, I’m too old to cover the waterfront.’ Being old myself, and no longer teaching, I sometimes feel over- whelmed by the sheer volume of poetry out there. So many poets, so little time! I’ve come to rely on these inventive Plume anthologies, which are double-curated, first by Plume’s choice of established poets (an extremely various bunch), and then by those poets’ choice of younger or lesser-known poets, so the range of work is enormous. Many of these writers are completely new to me, and I doubt I’d ever have come across them otherwise. I find many of them to be truly original, by which I mean not that they say things never said before (though they often do), but rather that the work goes back to the origins of its perceptions, allowing us to see how a poem’s meaning comes into being. I look for that quality in poems, and find it here in abundance. This collection is like a big plate of irresistible hors d’oeuvres.”
– Chase Twichell

Plume 10 Poetry
“So many poets, so little time! I’ve come to rely on these inventive Plume anthologies, . . . the range of work is enormous. Many of these writers are completely new to me, and I doubt I’d ever have come across them otherwise. I find many of them to be truly original, . . . the work goes back to the origins of its perceptions, allowing us to see how a poem’s meaning comes into being. I look for that quality in poems, and find it here in abundance. This collection is like a big plate of irresistible hors d’oeuvres.” –Chase Twichell

Plume 9 Poetry
“None of us have been to a dinner party in over a year. True, you say, but what has this to do with Plume #9? In it you will find smart and sassy conversation, both heartbreaking and sidesplitting narratives, poems of deep engagement that will keep you rehashing them on your drive home. Each poet has bought a “plus one” for the host to get to know, though it’s quite possible you’ll recognize her from another party. The poems mingle and flirt, air kissing images that will make you giddy, make you feel less alone.” –Denise Duhameli

Plume 8 Poetry
“The Plume anthologies are a cause for celebration and Plume Poetry 8 is no exception. The poems come in all shapes and sizes—I found myself surprised, moved, and delighted on page after page. Such a variety of voices! So many riches! And a portfolio of poems by Kevin Prufer too. This is an anthology to treasure.” –Patricia Clark

Plume 7 Poetry
“PLUME POETRY 7 offers a counter-voice to the dominant discourses of our age, a blessed alternative to broadcasts, and information, and ‘intelligence.’ There is virtuoso discernment and commitment and a discriminate sympathy at work in the assembly of these poets that remind us of our multiplicity, our endurance, our soul.” -Bruce Smith

The Plume 6 Anthology of Poetry
Now in its 6th year, the Plume Anthology of Poetry continues to bring together both renowned and emerging poets from the US and beyond: a wild gathering and a dazzling selection of poets and poems. In the words of David Rivard, “Plume is eclectic in the most purposeful and pleasurable of ways … a must-read.”
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The Plume 5 Anthology of Poetry
This year’s edition of the Plume Anthology, the fifth in as many years, contains a teeming collection of poems by an equally diverse omnibus of poets and translators. The aesthetic spectrum of strong voices in this volume testifies to the expansive vision of its editor, Daniel Lawless, who has for the last five years created an invaluable, poetic “news” service with his online poetry journal, Plume, and yearly hard-copy anthology.
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The Plume 4 Anthology of Poetry
“A remarkably and deliciously eclectic collection, Plume 4 gives a wonderful sense of just how far the definition of poetry can stretch, and how much territory it can cover – and uncover. The editor has a keen sense for living language and, through all this diversity, there runs a vibrant thread, a vivid pulse, a raw edge that is life itself.”– Cole Swenson
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The Plume Anthology of Poetry, 2014
“Plume is one of the most exciting, eclectic gatherings of writers on the web. Editor Daniel Lawless has a knack for putting together voices that create surprising neighborhoods of words, related in complex ways that only gradually reveal themselves. It’s one of very few webzines that I always read.” ~ Chase Twichell
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The Plume Anthology of Poetry, 2013
We are proud to introduce second annual installment of The Plume Anthology of Poetry, featuring selections from online issues of Plume, but comprised mostly of new work unavailable in our online pages or anywhere else. Again we present a wide range of some of the best working today, a truly international selection this time with work by poets from several continents. This year, we offer a selection of work from Karl Krolow, translated by Stuart Freibert, and a generous preface by Linda Pastan.
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The Plume Anthology of Poetry, 2012
We are happy to introduce — at last — The Plume Anthology of Poetry 2012. It is a a handsome volume, we think, comprising work from our online issues, new work from new poets, and a splendid Featured Poet section devoted to multiple works by a single artist: in this initial volume, that would be the great Dutch poet M. Vasalis, translated and with a beautiful and edifying introduction from one of our own great poets, David Young, together with Fred Lessing. Almost seventy poets are represented in this inaugural volume, often with several poems, representing a broad range of the best work by the best U.S. and international poets working today — the latter with both originals and English translations, from some of the finest translators in the field, including Stuart Friebert, Marliyn Hacker, Mark Wunderluch, and others.
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Plume Interviews 1 eds. Daniel Lawless & Nancy Mitchell
Who wouldn’t want to know more intimately the passions and antipathies of the authors of the poems they were about to read, learn their writers’ creative process, eavesdrop on of their interior monologues regarding inspiration and revision, craft and mystery? … I don’t think you’ll be disappointed.
Daniel Lawless