Jules Jacob and Sonja Johanson

Jules Jacob is a poet and child advocate who often writes about dichotomous conditions among humans and nature. Her work is featured in journals and anthologies including PlumePlume Poetry 8Rust + MothGlass: A Journal of PoetryThe Fourth River, and elsewhere. She’s the author of The Glass Sponge (Finishing Line Press) and recipient of a fellowship from the Virginia Center for the Creative Arts Moulin à Nef in France. Jules reads for Lily Poetry Review and can be found at julesjacob.com


Sonja Johanson is a New England poet whose work focuses on ecology and feminism. She has work appearing in numerous journals and anthologies, including American Life in Poetry, BOAAT, Mid-American Review, Poet Lore, THRUSH, and the Best American Poetry blog, and has served as a contributing editor at the Found Poetry Review and Eastern Iowa Review. Sonja is the author of three chapbooks: Impossible Dovetail (IDES, Silver Birch Press), all those ragged scars (Choose the Sword Press), and Trees in Our Dooryards (Redbird Chapbooks).  Sonja divides her time between work in Massachusetts and her home in the mountains of western Maine.