Jessica Greenbaum

Jessica Greenbaum is the author of three volumes of poems, a co-editor of the first ever poetry Haggadah, and also of  Tree Lines, an anthology of 21st century American poems. A recipient of awards from the National Endowment of the Arts and the Poetry Society of America, she teaches inside and outside academia including for communities who may have experienced trauma, and in synagogues around the relationship of Jewish text to contemporary poems. Her most recent book, Spilled and Gone, was recognized by The Boston Globe as a best book of the year, 2021.

  • Three Poems

    I sat in the late day sun
  • In the Next Life and The Office of Apology

    When I become the most trusted translator of your poems
  • A Brief Portfolio

    I remembered one day when I was new to that part of the city
  • Reading About Keith Jarrett This Morning in the Paper and Ode to the Table of Contents

    how he probably won’t play in public again
  • Why I Started Writing a Novel

    Earlier today I started writing a novel out of the simple
  • Four a.m. and 40 Years Later

    Driving into my old city yesterday
  • Letter to Jed from Niebla

    I’ll write you about being a stranger, as I am also
  • As So Often Happens | Twenty-two Years Later

    As so often happens, in the middle
  • As So Often Happens | Twenty-two Years Later

    As so often happens, in the middle
  • My Lovely Garonne

    Because every tenth poem or so the poet described