Sawnie Morris’ debut collection, Her, Infinite (New Issues, 2016) won the New Issues Poetry Award (judge: Major Jackson). A poem from Her, Infinite was selected for BAX: Best American Experimental Poetry, 2016 (Editors Charles Bernstein and Tracie Morris, Wesleyan University Press, online edition). Another poem garnered a Poetry Society of America Bogin Award. A poem from her new manuscript, Held by Water, received Hunger Mountain’s Ruth Stone Poetry Prize (judge: Lee Upton), another has been a semi-finalist for the Tupelo Quarterly Poetry Prize. Poems from Held By Water have appeared in Lana Turner, Poetry, Plume, Tupelo Quarterly, Puerto del Sol, Pool, El Palacio, online at PoetrySnaps, and been nominated for a 2021 Pushcart Prize. Morris’s chapbook, in The Sound a Raven Makes (Tres Chicas) was co-winner of a New Mexico Book Award. Her writing about poetry and poets has won a Texas Pen Literary Award and appeared in The Kenyon Review, Contemporary Literary Criticism, Boston Review, Lana Turner, Taos Journal of International Poetry & Art, and Morris is co-founder and past-director of Amigos Bravos: Because Water Matters, a 36-year-old non-profit advocacy organization for the waters of New Mexico. She served as the Inaugural Poet Laureate of Taos and lives in Ranchos de Taos, New Mexico.