William Olsen

William Olsen has published six collections of poetry, most recently TechnoRage, Northwestern, 2017. His work has received the Norma Farber Award, the Poetry, Northwest Theodore Roethke Prize, the Crazyhorse Prize; and fellowships from the Guggenheim Foundation, the National Endowment for the Arts, and Breadloaf. Olsen teaches at Western Michigan University, and edits New Issues Poetry and Prose.

  • A Brief Portfolio

    Faces pass by like unheard explanations
  • False Darkness

    I need the sun to be setting
  • Closed Eye Vision of Independence Day

    Dazzled drunks are bent over with laughter,
  • Posthumous Cabin

    And got away to it, and left the work to others
  • To Anything at All

    Our father who is neither ours nor a father but farther and nearer,