Richard Hoffman and J.D. Scrimgeour

J.D. Scrimgeour is the author of five collections of poetry and two of nonfiction, including Themes For English B, which won the AWP Award for Nonfiction. His latest book is 香蕉面包 Banana Bread (Nixes Mate), a bilingual collection of poetry. Recent work has appeared in ArtsFuse, AWP Chronicle, The Common, Fourth Genre, Lowell Review, Michigan Quarterly Review and Sport Literate.


Richard Hoffman is the author of five books of poetry: Without Paradise; Gold Star Road, winner of The Barrow Street Press Poetry Prize and the Sheila Motton Book Award from The New England Poetry Club; Emblem; Noon until Night, which received the 2018 Massachusetts Book Award for Poetry, and his most recent, People Once Real. He is also author of the celebrated memoirs, Half the House and Love & Fury, along with the short story collection Interference, and Remembering the Alchemists & Other Essays. He is Emeritus Writer in Residence at Emerson College and Nonfiction Editor of Solstice: A Magazine of Diverse Voices.