Li Suo

Li Suo (1986) was born in Anhui, and spent her childhood and youth in Kashgar, Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region. She is a poet, translator, and chief editor of Xiron Poetry Club (Beijing). She was invited to attend Moscow Biennale of Poets (2018), Medellin International Poetry Festival (2019), and Ecuador International Poetry Festival (2023), and  was a Resident Poet at the Vermont Studio Center (2019). Winner of Libraire Avant-Garde Poetry Awards for young poets (China, 2020), Li Suo published the poetry collection A Pearl Ship on Wednesday and two translations: On Writing (a collection of letters by Charles Bukowski) and Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland (by Lewis Carroll). Li Suo’s poems have been translated into English, Spanish, Russian, Danish, German and Maltese.

  • Three poems by Li Suo translated from Chinese by Lucas Klein and Henry Zhang

    the cemetery east of river bank road