Marc Vincenz

Marc Vincenz is a multilingual translator, poet, fiction writer, journalist, editor, musician and artist. He has published many books of poetry, fiction and translation. His recent poetry collections include The Pearl Diver of Irunmani, A Splash of Cave PaintThe King of Prussia is Drunk on Stars, Faery Ecology, and forthcoming in 2026 from White Pine PressNo More Animal Poems. His translation of award-winning Swiss poet and novelist Klaus Merz’ selected poems, An Audible Blue, won the 2023 Massachusetts Book Award for Translated Literature. He translates from the German, Romanian, French and Spanish.


  • Two Poems

    My old man praised himself for not being
  • A Demitasse of Extinction

    So funny how that uncanny, unfunny man sought you out on a rainy day in Istanbul—you were in earshot of the bazaar and smoking a hookah, and, of course, it was Ramadan.
  • Trudy Cooks Fish and The General

    The fish seemed fresh that night, as if they’d been caught off the coast near Zanzibar
  • The Absurd Self Looking Both Ways at Once | Inventing Nightlife

    Plato said the world is divided into a world
  • After the Invention of Polystyrene a Ligurian Goat Crosses the Equator

    Abut in a tailspin, mad spark