Maura Stanton

Inauguration Day
June 24, 2021 Stanton Maura



Yes, like thousands of joyful poets today
I’m in my study to write the first poem
of a new era, full of hope but nervous.
This snapshot of my Mom in a party hat
thumbtacked to a cork board on the wall
is a good place to recover my happiness.
It’s next to a ticket for a boat to Hautecombe,
a monastery in France on du Lac du Bourget
where I heard a nightingale in the woods.
Once my sisters sent me a lei from Hawaii
and here’s the bright card from Hawaiian Tropical Flowers.
This baby in a pink dress is my niece
almost grown up now, and this green postcard
shows Hemingway’s house in Key West
where I watched six toed cats climb palms.
And speaking of cats, here’s a bookmark
from the Grolier Book Shop in Cambridge
with three cats inside the large Grolier O
found in a book of poems by Tom Lux,
and under it, a strip of U.S. postage stamps,
Brooks, Hayden, Bishop, Plath and Roethke,
labeled FOREVER in the top left corner.

Maura Stanton won the Yale Series of Younger Poets Award for Snow on Snow and has published five more books of poetry, including Immortal Sofa.  Her chapbook of prose poems, Interiors, won the Open Chapbook Contest from Finishing Line Press. She has published three collections of short stories with Milkweed, Notre Dame and University of Michigan Presses, and has won an O’Henry Award, the Nelson Algren Award, and the Supernatural Fiction Award from The Ghost Story.