Patricia Clark

Zodiacal Light: A Dialogue
December 16, 2011 Clark Patricia

Zodiacal Light: A Dialogue


To see it, you look to the north

but you must not be in the north.


How can I see it then?

You must take a long drive south.


How early must I rise?

Before early light, when stars yet gleam.


Which part of the sky to study?

Learn the horizon, your planet’s curve.


The description spoke of a pyramid shape—

can I expect that?


You will see dust shimmer, rise, drift.

Golden particles, astral pollen.


Could I begin driving tonight?

You will find impediments—weather, blockades.


What can I do to circumvent those?

You way will be longer, a season’s detour.


Must I give up a whole year in the wait?

Sometimes a year is the least particle.


Eyewitnesses agree: a soft glow, unearthly.

Can the last word be right? did you listen well?


I believe in the holy name, the journey long

and good. These are not the northern lights—


they are something else, entirely.

And for this I have waited, these many years?

Patricia Clark is the author of Self-Portrait with a Million Dollars, her sixth book of poems, and three chapbooks, including Deadlifts. She has new work out in The Southern Review, Alaska Quarterly Review, North American Review, as well as in Quartet, Pedestal, and Nelle.