Fredrich Holderlin

Half of Life
September 11, 2014 HolderlinFredrich

Half of Life


The land with yellow pears

and full of wild roses,

hangs there in the lake

behind you, lovely swans,

and you are drunk with kisses as

you dip your graceful heads

in holy sober water.


Where am I going to find

come winter, all these flowers?

And where will the sunshine be

and earth’s shade to go with it?

The walls stand there before me,

speechless and cold; the wind

rattles the weathervane.



Hälfte des Lebens


Mit gelben Birnen hänget

Und voll mit wilden Rosen

Das Land in den See,

Ihr holden Schwäne,

Und trunken von Küssen

Tunkt ihr das Haupt

Ins heilignüchterne Wasser.


Weh mir, wo nehm’ ich, wenn

Es Winter ist, die Blumen, und wo

Den Sonnenschein,

Und Schatten der Erde?

Die Mauern stehn

Sprachlos und kalt, im Winde

Klirren die Fahnen.


Johann Christian Friedrich Hölderlin was a German poet and philosopher. Described by Norbert von Hellingrath as “the most German of Germans”, Hölderlin was a key figure of German Romanticism