Jeff Friedman and Meg Pokrass

Co-authors of House of Grana Padano, published by Pelekinesis Press in 2022.


Jeff Friedman’s eleventh book, Broken Signals was published by Bamboo Dart Press in August 2024. Friedman’s poems and mini stories have appeared in American Poetry ReviewPoetry, Poetry International, New England Review, Dreaming Awake: New Contemporary Prose Poetry from the United States, Australia and the United Kingdom, Smokelong Quarterly, Flash Fiction Funny, Flash Nonfiction Funny, Contemporary Surrealist and Magical Realist Anthology, 101Jewish Poems for the Third Millenium, Best Microfiction 2021 2022, 2023, and 2024, and The New Republic. He has received an NEA Literature Translation Fellowship, and numerous other awards.


Meg Pokrass is the author of The First Law of Holes: New and Selected Stories (Dzanc Books, 2024) and eight previous collections of flash fiction and two novellas in flash. Her work has been published in three Norton anthologies, including Flash Fiction America, New Micro, and Flash Fiction InternationalBest Small Fictions 201820192022, and 2023Wigleaf Top 50; and hundreds of literary magazines including Electric Literature, New England ReviewMcSweeney’s, Five Points, Split Lip, Washington Square Review, and Passages North. She is the founding/managing editor of the Best Microfiction anthology series.

  • Three Poems

    After we moved to Tiny Town, Mom started selling huge Egyptian harps that were larger than the tiny houses.