Alex Averbuch, a native of Novoaidar, Luhansk region, Ukraine, is a poet, translator, and scholar. He is the author of several books of poetry, over a hundred publications of his own creative writing, and over sixty selections of literary translations spanning Ukrainian, Hebrew, Russian, and English. His poems have appeared in English translation in Beloit, Manhattan Review, Copper Nickel, Birmingham Poetry Review, Plume, Words Without Borders, Sugar House Review, Constellations, and Common Knowledge, as well as in anthologies in English, Italian, French, Hebrew, Finnish, Estonian, and Polish translation. His book Zhydivs’kyi korol’ (The Jewish King) was a finalist for the Shevchenko National Prize, Ukraine’s highest award for culture and literature. Its English translation, by Oksana Maksymchuk and Max Rosochinsky, along with new poems, titled Furious Harvests, is forthcoming from Harvard Ukrainian Research Institute Books. He is currently an assistant professor of Ukrainian literature and culture in the Department of Slavic Languages and Literatures at the University of Michigan.