Yevgeniy Breyger

Yevgeniy Breyger, born in 1989 in Kharkiv, Ukraine, studied Creative Writing, Cultural Journalism and Curatorial Studies. His debut collection flüchtige monde (2016), was selected as one of the poetry books of the year in the Literaturhaus Berlin. In 2019 he won the Leonce-und-Lena Prize. His second poetry collection gestohlene luft was published in 2020 and was supported by grants from German Literature Fund. He was awarded the Munich Poetry Prize 2021 and was a fellow at Villa Massimo / Casa Baldi in Rome 2022. Breyger teaches Literary Writing and Translation in different Universities and lives in Frankfurt, Germany.

  • “Flüchtige monde” / “fugitive moons” translated from the German by Joscha Klueppel

    mountains recall their flock of birds. the dear birds,