Patricia Clark

Patricia Clark is the author of six volumes of poetry, including Sunday Rising, The Canopy and most recently Self Portrait with a Million Dollars. Her work has appeared in The Atlantic, Gettysburg Review, Poetry, Plume, and Slate, among others. She received the 2018 Book of the Year Award from Poetry Society of Virginia for The Canopy. Her new book, her seventh, O Lucky Day is forthcoming in January 2025 from Madville Publishing.


  • Midsummer Paralysis

    A nerve was severed in my jaw—I remember numbness.
  • Two Poems

    I could never say anything about my father
  • Passing Royalty and Dostadning: Beginner’s Translation

    I’m sorry I didn’t comprehend sooner how threatening
  • Centers of Gold, Aphrodisiacal & What We Do Lives On

    The point, after all, with canvas, brush, and paint,
  • Oxygen & Waking to 1939, I Study Those Standing

    I’m sorry my mother got a blood clot in her lung
  • August, Hinge

    How would you describe these pandemic days,
  • Grand Marais Estuary, in Fog (after the painting by Stanley Krohmer)

    Color of ice, or heaps of snow, gray-blue, slate.
  • Les Rochers de Belle-Ile [after the painting by Claude Monet]

    No beach here—just the sea
  • Canine Elegy

    All over town, dogs are lying down
  • I Like to Tuck a Leaf

    of some bright hue, say burgundy mauve,
  • Husband-Watching Height

    That’s my fear, turning to stone.
  • Zodiacal Light: A Dialogue

    To see it, you look to the north