Bruce Cohen

Bruce Cohen has published five volumes of poetry. His most recent, Imminent Disappearances, Impossible Numbers & Panoramic X-Rays, was awarded the 2015 Green Rose Prize (New Issues Press). His poems have appeared in many literary periodicals including AGNI, The Gettysburg Review, The Harvard Review, The New Yorker, Ploughshares, Poetry & The Southern Review.

  • A Brief Portfolio

    Our first time at the Sistine Chapel, prior to the restoration, the colors were dulled,
  • Bedtime Story

    It wasn’t only my father who believed in the romanticism of war
  • Concussion Test

    Do you feel heartsick for aboriginal (original) people wearing baseball caps?
  • Mishap

    At the soiree, a hot ticket zooms off with a hot potato into the toy
  • The Uncanny

    Suppose a rational man