Todd Fredson

Todd Fredson is the author of two poetry collections, The Crucifix-Blocks (Tebot Bach, 2012) and Century Worm (New Issues Poetry & Prose, 2018). He has published translations of poetry collections by Josué Guébo—My country, tonight (Action Books, 2016) and Think of Lampedusa (University of Nebraska Press, 2017)—and by Tanella Boni—The future has an appointment with the dawn (UNP Press, 2018), which was a finalist for the 2019 Best Translated Book Award and the 2019 National Translation Award, and There where it’s so bright in me (UNP, 2022). The double-translation of Azo Vauguy’s collections Zakwato & Loglêdou’s Peril is forthcoming from Action Books in 2023.

  • Azo Vauguy, translated by Todd Fredson, with a discussion by Todd Fredson, Honora Ankong, and Carmen Giménez Smith

    The poems discussed and presented below are authored by Azo Vauguy. Vauguy is a Bété poet. The Bété are an ethnic group within the West African country of Côte d’Ivoire.