Suzanne Lummis

Poet Suzanne Lummis is a 2018/19 COLA (City of Los Angeles) fellow, an award from the Cultural Affairs Department to influential Los Angeles-based mid-career artists and writers. It comes with an endowment to create new work.  She has three full-length collections and her poems have appeared in noted literary journals across the country and in The New Yorker. produces her web series, They Write by Night, in which she — or her character — explores film noir and the poets influenced by that that style, mood and those themes.   She’s the series editor of The Pacific Coast Poetry Series/Beyond Baroque Books and edited the anthology Wide Awake: Poets of Los Angeles and Beyond, which David Ulin, then Book Editor of the Los Angeles Times, named one of the Ten Best Books of 2015.

  • Lummis | Laichas

    I was part way into one of Tom Laichas’ three published collections when I began to marvel at the skill, the sure-footed, far-ranging variety
  • On Breathing and Not Breathing—The Sequence

    Once, a man stopped breathing
  • It’s 3 A.M., Winter, and Nine Miles from Truckee

    and nobody better than I to tell you about
  • Ars Poetica Über Prompt (Not the Taxi Service)

    Take the worst poem you’ve ever written but that you haven’t
  • Flour, Eggs, Milk, Baking Powder, Salt and God

    O Best Beloved, tell me, if you know, why—