Alexander Long

Autobiography and Primo
September 26, 2024 Long Alexander



long before I wanted a drink     I wanted a drink     and it’s been
that way      ever since long before     my grandfather     fed
me     these lines     about wanting a drink     his grandfathers fed
him the same     in German Welsh Queen’s English Southwest
Philadelphian     everyone knows long before     anyone owns up
to it     we all had a drink     over it and thought deeply     about
genetics and addictions and their chemistries     about
civilizations     which wrecked the lives of boring ordinary
people     every day without raising itself to do a goddamned
thing     boring ordinary people like me     my grandfathers and
theirs and theirs who never     gave themselves
enough     credit    and it’s been that way ever since      the
chaotic boredoms of Kierkegaard     and his god my god
too     my god     we just wanted a drink





someone called out or     you heard a voice     from the
stairs     or both or     not from the stairs     from the column of
air     the stairs wrap around     that you fell through     without
a sound     they said     what’s it matter     fell jumped     it only
matters     as much as Turin does      or did     before     it had an
Auschwitz tattooed      on the backs of its eyelids     meaningless
everblue      baptismal tattoo     and it doesn’t matter     how it
was     the last thing you saw     or it wasn’t     as the stairs flew
by and by and up     until you reached the voice





[1] Primo Levi was a Jewish-Italian chemist, writer, and Holocaust survivor. Levi died in 1987 from injuries sustained in a fall from a third-story apartment landing. His death was officially ruled a suicide, but some have suggested that the fall was accidental because he left no suicide note, there were no witnesses, and he was on medication that could have affected his blood pressure and caused him to fall accidentally.

Alexander Long’s fourth book of poems, On Distance, was published in 2018 (Stephen F. Austin State UP). Recent work appears in SALT, Taos Journal of Poetry and Art and Poetry International Online. More information can be found at