Plume Issue #158 October 2024

Man on White, Woman on Red / Man with Black Dog by Bill Traylor
  • The Town of Horne

    I can only find it when I take
  • “On Addiction” by Peter Johnson

    Peter Johnson’s moving essay on addiction for this month’s Plume combines both personal and disinterested (not to be confused with…

    Plume Issue #158 October 2024
  • The Blue Light

    Where were you as the light descended & do you
  • A Conversation with Rachel Hadas by Brian Culhane

    This conversation occurred over Zoom on April 2nd of this year and focused on two of Rachel Hadas’s recent poems
    Plume Issue #158 October 2024
  • Halpern, Woloch, Lippman, et. al.

    Daniel Halpern on “50 KILOS, c. 1939”: I thought I would write about this poem because it’s a poem I…

    Plume Issue #158 October 2024
  • Two poems by Krystyna Lenkowska translated from Polish by Cecilia Woloch

    When I was young
  • Four Poems

    A New Age friend called to say she was visualizing me bathed in a rose-colored, healing light.

    Mike’s at The Whitney.
  • Is a Rose

    O’Keefe’s opens in the troposphere, blooms like smoke.
  • Three Poems

    After we moved to Tiny Town, Mom started selling huge Egyptian harps that were larger than the tiny houses.
  • From Bajo la lluvia ajena (In Foreign Rain) by Juan Gelman, translated by Lisa Rose Bradford

    On the tiers of experience.
  • Confession Therapy and Electroconvulsive Therapy (ECT)

    One summer, as I was cleaning out the grooves in my palm, I was living in a monastery.
  • A Brief Portfolio

    What goes with you, cured meats,
  • Willie Mays Lives at Adjacent Moments in Time

    Because he would be seen
  • Autobiography and Primo

    long before I wanted a drink     I wanted a drink     and it’s been
  • Susan L. Leary’s “Dressing the Bear” reviewed by Jane Zwart

    Brian is on every page thereafter, too.
    Plume Issue #158 October 2024
  • An Interview with Gloria Mindock, Founding Editor and Publisher of Červená Barva Press by Amanda Newell

    I'm excited about this interview because I want to know what your secret is and how you manage to do all that you do! You're an incredibly prolific writer, and as the Founding Editor and Publisher of Červená Barva Press, you're deeply engaged with the writing community both in the United States and abroad.
    Plume Issue #158 October 2024