Amanda Newell

Amanda Newell’s work has appeared or is forthcoming in The Baltimore Review, The Cimarron Review, Gargoyle, Rattle, Scoundrel Time and elsewhere. The recipient of scholarships or fellowships from the Bread Loaf Writers’ Conference, The Frost Place, and the Virginia Center for the Creative Arts. She also holds an MFA in poetry from Warren Wilson’s program for writers.

  • Peter Campion’s “Unidentified Animal” | A Brief Portfolio and An Interview with Amanda Newell

    As the title suggests, the underlying energy of your remarkable new collection is a primal, restless one.
    Plume Issue #155 July 2024
  • Dan O’Brien’s ‘Survivor’s Notebook’ reviewed by Amanda Newell

    It would be easy enough to call Dan O’Brien’s latest collection, Survivor’s Notebook, a prose-poem sequence—it’s what the book calls itself.
    Plume Issue #154 June 2024
  • The Poem as Lightvessel: A Dialogue on Poetry and Community with Kelli Russell Agodon by Amanda Newell

    You are such an accomplished poet, and I have so much I want to talk to you about, but first...
    Issue #147 November 2023
  • Clarifying the Disorder of Catastrophe: In Conversation with Poet/Playwright Dan O’Brien by Amanda Newell

    My interview with poet and playwright Dan O'Brien took place over several months.
    Issue #137 January 2023
  • On Long Poems, Lyric Sequences, and “Cop”; An interview with Connie Voisine by Amanda Newell

    First, a hearty congratulations on being awarded a Guggenheim Fellowship earlier this year...
    Issue #125 January 2022
  • Jen Sperry Steinorth: On Creating and Claiming Space with Her Read by Amanda Newell

    I had the pleasure of interviewing Jen Sperry Steinorth about her new book,
    Issue #118 June 2021
  • On Queer Poetics, Writing Courageously, and Becoming Otherwise: An Interview with Nomi Stone by Amanda Newell

    I'm interested in the ways in which your poetry contemplates the relationship between the self and the community and the ways in which community shapes identity.
    Issue #111 November 2020
  • Meditation on a Shower Rod at the Super 8

    You and I are snake bit. Can we postpone?
  • Reginald Dwayne Betts: On Art, Poetry, the Particular Fucked Up Parts of Incarceration, and the Multitudes of I — Interview by Amanda Newell

    I had the pleasure of interviewing Reginald Dwayne Betts in a conversation that ranged from poetry, race, and erasure to…

    Issue #106 June 2020
  • On Poetry and the Necessity of Aimless Wandering: An interview with Alan Shapiro by Amanda Newell

    I had the pleasure of interviewing Alan Shapiro for this month’s feature, and we talked about everything from the prose…

    Issue #101 January 2020
  • Daisy Fried: On Jesus, Uncertainty, Risk, and Imagination. Interview by Amanda Newell

    Daisy Fried: On Jesus, Uncertainty, Risk, and Imagination Interview by Amanda Newell   AN: On social media recently, you said…

    Issue #98 October 2019
  • Jim Daniels interviewed by Amanda Newell

    Jim Daniels Interviewed by Amanda Newell   I was delighted to speak with Jim Daniels for this month’s issue about…

    Issue #96 August 2019
  • Quotidian and Carry

    Steak dinners are the worst /you prefer the fatty cut / those white-ribboned slabs from Save-A-Lot
  • Maurice Manning interviewed by Amanda Newell

    Maurice Manning: Railsplitter   I had the pleasure of speaking to Maurice Manning about his forthcoming collection, Railsplitter: Reflections on…

    Issue #95 July 2019