Gemma Gorga

October 20, 2020 Gorga Gemma

All morning, pitting the apricots
to make marmalade. All morning
opening them to remove the swollen,
warm ovum that grows inside
the flesh: scattering of silent apricots
picked over on the antiseptic kitchen
counter. As if she were the head nurse,
grandma boils the pot
with two fingers of sugared water.
The girl runs in and pockets
the pits nobody wants. Under the white
encouragement of the myrtle tree, she rubs
the woody pit against the wall’s rough
bumps, and listens to a languid whistle
rising from the depths of the unborn embryo,
from the afternoon rising up, from the blood,
from doubt—years to come,
years to become.



Tot el matí que espinyola albercocs
per fer-ne melmelada. Tot el matí
que els obre per extreure’ls l’òvul
inflat i tebi que els creix polpa
endins: escampadissa d’albercocs
muts i esventrats sobre el taulell asèptic
de la cuina. Com si fos la infermera
en cap, l’àvia fa bullir el perol
amb dos dits d’aigua ensucrada.
La nena entra corrent i s’endú allò
que ningú no vol. Sota l’advocació
blanca de la murta, frega la fusta
del pinyol contra els grumolls lascius
del mur. I s’escolta un xiulet lànguid
pujant des fons de l’embrió nonat,
pujant tarda amunt, sang amunt,
dubte amunt—anys a venir,
anys a desvenir.

Gemma Gorga was born in Barcelona in 1968. She has a Ph.D. in Philology from the University of Barcelona, where she is Professor of Medieval and Renaissance Spanish Literature. She has published seven collections of poetry in Catalan. Her most recent collections are Mur (Barcelona: Meteora, 2015), which won the Premi de la Critica de Poesia Catalana, and Viatge al centre (Barcelona: Godall Edicions, 2020).