Charles Bernstein

For Michael Gottlieb
July 11, 2013 Bernstein Charles

For Michael Gottlieb


All this time me on he leadéd
With false pretence of care
Not for me, too late I learnéd
But what I, for him, might dare
(Which now I do foreswear)
Yet then I do think  –
Not this the man I once beholdéd
And calléd friend
What see I now near shell
Of what was he before
Fears and Jealousies so bold
Frightened ’way what parts of him
Promise nearly tolled.
Now a mind of gossip filléd
Where ideas once gently grazed
Betraying youth’s feckless tare
By always wanting to be rare.

Charles Bernstein’s most recent book is Pitch of Poetry, essays from the University of Chicago Press. Chicago also published his most recent collection of poems, Recalculating. He teaches at the University of Pennsylvania.