Issue 9 Editor’s Note

Issue 9 Editor’s Note
March 13, 2012 Plume

To our Readers:


Welcome to Issue #9 of Plume.   Briefly — comme d’habitude —-


In this issue, you will find a Plume first: the second of Dick Allen’s poems, “Zen Dictionary.” A third will follow next issue, along with a second poem from David Kirby. We were so taken with both poets’ submissions that we wanted to run them consecutively, a practice we may take up again in the future.  As noted elsewhere, a number of poets will make second appearances in upcoming issues as well.

Apropos the above: I am asked often about our “deadlines,” and how poets/poems are selected. The answer is, simply, that we have developed – astonishing to me, still – a strong back list, from which I choose each issue’s twelve poems, searching, always, for…balance. A submission received even a few days before we go live may appear in that very issue – or several issues later. But, certainly, no more than three months should elapse before accepted work appears online.

What else?

I am happy to report that our unsolicited submissions continue to turn up – more and more frequently – fine poems, which will make their way into Plume in due time.  Australia and China apparently have taken to us; I suspect the good work and offices of John Kinsella and Xi Chuan have something to do with this. Ukraine, Russia, and the UK also are well represented.   And more generally, surely we have the appearance of Ron Smith’s “κάθαρσης” — from Plume Issue # 7 — on the Poetry Daily site to thank for a noticeable spike in submissions and page views.

Last: Many thanks for those who spread the word at AWP!  We will see you next year in Boston!

For now, as always, I do hope you enjoy the issue.

Daniel Lawless

Editor, Plume