Jules Jacob

One for André Breton
February 22, 2021 Jacob Jules

One for André Breton


Always for the first time
the startle—
from the dashboard
across a bedspread


in the bathroom
mirror     a shocker


on top of my head reflected.


Under a vine-twined
pergola a sunlit filament


swayed     a jumper
and a runner—


from my hand     an eye-blink
to the table’s edge


and over.

Jules Jacob is a writer and child advocate whose work appears in journals and anthologies including PlumePlume Anthology 8Glass: A Journal of PoetryRust + Moth, West Trestle Review and elsewhere. She’s the author of The Glass Sponge, a semi-finalist in the New Women’s Voices Series (FLP) and a recipient of the Virginia Center for the Creative Art’s fellowship in Auvillar, France. Visit julesjacob.com