Carol Muske-Dukes

July 25, 2024 Muske-Dukes Carol



Withered pip of a boy, now grey and halt
Who despite his gnome-ish looks (not his fault),
Like an ungodly smell, (Axe spray?) he is sniff-adverse,
What the proximate tolerate: he masks a waft that’s worse.
Weaseling into salon or tete a tete – he deftly slips in
Like a drink-palmed aphrodisiac, smear on a sugared rim.


Sawed-off Lothario who says the ladies come to him,
Except for those innocents who discovered his quick whim
Behind closed office doors. And then. Draw the curtain
On their surprise. O the futility of good intentions, the certain
Maternal fury fails as he harems away and hides it all.            
Always shielded by the Big Boys – and I don’t mean tall.
Look how lie begets lie. How “ladies” play & say they’ve won.
Yet his lips press fundaments of all who steal our history for fun.

Carol Muske-Dukes is now gladly retired from SoCalled U (or USC) where she was sole founder of the PhD program in Creative Writing & Lit. She is former Poet Laureate of California & former poetry columnist for the LA Times, author of 16 books, including 9 books of poems, 4 novels & 3 essay collections + co-edited anthologies. Long list Pulitzer prize finalist, National Book award finalist, NEA, Guggenheim, Ingram/Merrill, Castagnola, Poets & Writers/Barnes & Noble Writer for Writers award, etc. Pubs: NYTBR,+ Op Ed, New Yorker, LATimes, APR, Paris Review, Kenyon R – + an award-winning play (Guild Hall)