Poems translated by Daniel Bourne

Daniel Bourne’s books include The Household Gods, Where No One Spoke the Language, and the forthcoming Talking Back to the Exterminator, the recipient of the 2022 Terry L. Cox Poetry Prize from Regal House Publishing. His poems have also appeared in Plume, Ploughshares, American Poetry Review, Boulevard, Guernica, Conduit, Salmagundi, Shenandoah, Prairie Schooner, Field, Michigan Quarterly Review, Yale Review, and others. The founding editor of Artful Dodge, and the translation editor for its current online incarnation The Dodge, since 1980 he has lived off and on in Poland, including 1985-87 on a Fulbright for the translation of younger Polish poets, and most recently in 2018 and 2019 for work on an anthology of Baltic Coast poets. His translations of Polish poets appear in a number of journals, including Field, Colorado Review, Partisan Review, Plume, Beloit Poetry Journal, Boulevard, and Prairie Schooner. A collection of his translations of Bronisław Maj, The Extinction of the Holy City, is forthcoming from Free Verse Editions/Parlor Press.

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