nicole v basta

take heed, hazard
December 19, 2022 basta nicole v

take heed, hazard


what could it have been
a light without origin
dressing the walls
their delicate salvage
illuminated not by my lure
but by the lure
of what has no government
no sugar to buy at the store
doesn’t check the weather
god no                   no need
but not quite no need at all
there isn’t a headstone
for all that no longer breathes
i say to the cashier
that is the wind
take heed, hazard
the wind says back
this silence is just the windup
before i rip off the door

nicole v basta‘s poems have found homes in Ploughshares, Waxwing, Crazyhorse, North American Review, The Cortland Review, Third Coast etc. She is the author of the chapbook V, the winner of The New School’s Annual Contest and the chapbook the next field over, out now from Tolsun Books. More: