Mary Buchinger

The Interview
June 24, 2021 Buchinger Mary

The Interview


Massachusetts Avenue:  Where is your wheel? Your bike-body? Sturdy-car-self?
Woman: My bags are heavy. My hat is warm. Do you speak French?


Dream: That child in your arms, his eager weight, can you protect him?
Self: Are those tracers in the night sky or falling stars? Where did he go?


Open Bottle of Beer On the Grave: Will I shatter on the granite marker, be drunk by the fresh-dug mouth of earth?
Young Men: Effervesce   like a joke   with a scorpion tail 


Time: What can I do to you?
Yew: My crown may become irregular, my sex may change, still the thrush will love me.


Air: Which of my weaves pleases you most?
Hawk: Pockets, please, for me to hang inside. May I rip your seam and glide?


Paper: What shape –  what curved  dotted  stand-up mark –  shall be impressed upon my field?
Pencil: I am a scritch, a scratch, residue. How could I be anything, let alone, enough?

Mary Buchinger is the author of four collections of poetry, including e i n f ü h l u n g/in feeling, Aerialist (shortlisted for the May Swenson Poetry Award, OSU Press Wheeler Prize, and the Perugia Press Prize) and Navigating the Reach (forthcoming). Her work has appeared in AGNI, Salamander, Slice Magazine, Boston Globe, Massachusetts Review, and elsewhere. She was a Peace Corps volunteer in Ecuador and earned a doctorate in linguistics from Boston University. She is president of the New England Poetry Club and teaches at MCPHS University in Boston. (