Mark Jarman

This Is the Day the Lord Has Made
February 21, 2018 Jarman Mark

This Is the Day the Lord Has Made


This is the day the Lord has made,
this is the hour, this is the minute,
this is the second the Lord has made

And after the second, this is the third,
the fourth, the fifth, squared and cubed,
this is the finite and the infinite

This is the mind in self-regard,
staggered, speechless, almost amused,
to see the day the Lord has made

But not too quickly or too slowly,
just fast enough, all things being equal,
and fair enough to excuse oneself
for living.






Mark Jarman’s most recent collection of poetry is The Heronry (Sarabande Books, 2017).  He is Centennial Professor of English at Vanderbilt University.