Ricardo Pau-Llosa

October 24, 2016 Pau-Llosa Ricardo



My housekeeper had the dishes brought
from Cuba. Her husband then had swapped
jewelry for a color TV and East German plates.
Gold pattern inside the rim, and beneath it
a burgundy stripe. Their sturdy forms are boring
and the white all too white, the porcelain
not diaphanous. Their history, though,
embellishes them. Communism clinging
to its hated bourgeois persona. We too,
the clanging dishes say, can refine
the daily bread of unequal toil. Here, free,
she cleans houses, is richer and happy
to let these memories go. She calls them
the balsero service for six. Germany one, Cuba
disintegrating. What meals history serves up.





After the painting “Zanimo”[Animal] by Ernst Prophète


Otherwise, the pink
sky would denote
tenderness, a girl
fumbling through
her mother’s rouge.
But here a lamb trembles
knee-deep in a blue stream
watched by a wolf on the bank.

The earth, the sky are beaten red.
Calm plants punctuate,
wreathe the scene.
As if the slaughter
that must come
heralds accomplishment.

Is that the only amulet
against lamentation?
In truth, the wolf
has come late to the hope
of killing, for the lamb
in his blue gullet
has already been devoured
by time, as have been
the dry wolf and the merciful,
marching trees.

Ricardo Pau-Llosa was born in Havana, Cuba, in 1954. He fled Cuba with his family in 1960, and in 1971, he graduated from the Belén Jesuit Preparatory High School in Miami, Florida. He received a BA from Florida International University in 1974 and an MA from Florida Atlantic University in 1976.

Pau-Llosa’s first poetry collection, Sorting Metaphors (Anhinga Press, 1983), was selected by William Stafford as the first recipient of the Anhinga Poetry Prize. Richard Wilbur writes, “Ricardo Pau-Llosa’s remarkable first book is full of poems which, however surprising or dream-like, are consistently lucid expressions of mind and world.”

Pau-Llosa is also the author of Fleeing Actium (Carnegie Mellon University Press, 2023); Man (Carnegie Mellon University Press, 2014); Parable Hunter (Carnegie Mellon University Press, 2008); Cuba (Carnegie Mellon University Press, 1993), which was nominated for the Pulitzer Prize; and Bread of the Imagined (Bilingual Press, 1992), among others. Also a critic of Latin American and Cuban art, Pau-Llosa lives in Miami.