Dan Coman

Dan Coman (fiction writer, poet) was born in 1975 in Gersa, Romania. He has published four books of poetry: anul cârtiței galbene (The year of the yellow mole, 2003), Ghinga (2005), Dicţionarul Mara, ghidul tatălui 0-2 ani (Mara Dictionary, father guide: 0-2 years, 2009), Insectarul Coman (Charmides, 2017). He has also published four novels: Irezistibil (Irresistible, 2010), Parohia (The Parish, 2012), Căsnicie (Marriage, 2015), aceste lucruri care nu se vor schimba niciodată (these things that will never change, 2019). He is the organizer of the international poetry and music festival “Poetry in Bistrita.” Among other awards, in 2018, he received a fellowship to attend the International Writing Program at the University of Iowa.

  • A Tall Bird 

    on the one hand, beauty remains.