Lydia Davis

Lydia Davis’s most recent collection of stories is Can’t and Won’t (Farrar, Straus & Giroux, 2014). Her translation of Proust’s Letters to His Neighbor was published in 2017 by New Directions, and a collection of essays is forthcoming in 2019.

  • Three More Claims to Fame

    Claim to Fame #7 :  Early Boyfriend
  • Unfinished Business

    Cleaning up, in the kitchen, she goes to wipe away a small black seed from the counter.
  • Father Enters the Water | Please Mr. Wasp | Ageing

    In life, he would walk into the water slowly until it reached his waist and stand there for a while, his arms out to the
  • Two Stories and a Poem

    Do you have a canned ham?
  • Ödön von Horváth | Brief Incident in Short a, Long a, and Schwa | My Friend’s Creation | Contingency (Vs. Necessity)

    Cat, gray tabby, calm, watches large, black ant.  Man, rapt, stands staring at cat and