Issue #81 April 2018

Untitled, by Elizabeth Koning

  • Morning, Redux | Drift Road

    Another morning in the obscure,
  • from Devil Mutant Child

    Exactly the hair I wanted,
  • Between the Bed and the Window

    First, the light, which is always
  • What Light Tastes Like

    Depends on the hour of departure and if flowers
  • Untitled |Untitled

    Day as in backwards
  • April

    I think I will accept my life, the moment
  • The Myth of the Eternal Return

    The river sinks beneath our love
  • Woman, Man, Tepoztlán

    Mother, today I met a man.
  • naked dreaming

    an artist friend once told me

    Somewhere inside the sacerdotal
  • Labyrinth (Lear)

    A poorly timed abdication. A madness
  • From The Little Book of Passage

    Ecco il fiume che mi allarga lo sguardo, che mi attraversa la fronte.
  • Ron Slate, Thylias Moss, Kristina Bicher,

    Ron Slate on “Between the Bed and the Window”   “Between the Bed and the Window” was sparked by a…

    Issue #81 April 2018
  • Norman Dubie: That fraught moment where the old Zen master talks while washing his ass in a bowl of morning tea…

        NM: Hi Norman. Thank you for talking with us at Plume and sharing your lovely, mysterious, and deeply…

    Issue #81 April 2018
  • Amish Trivedi: Taylor Swift is a Barbarian or: Stephanie Burt’s Defense of Poetry

    Taylor Swift is a Barbarian, or: Stephanie Burt’s Defense of Poetry   In November 2017, Cosmopolitan published an interview with…

    Issue #81 April 2018
  • Karla Kelsey: Of Sphere and Hermaphropoetics & Rochelle Owens: Drifting Geometries

    In very different ways these two collections—Kelsey’s book-length “proem” (her Prelude) of prose ruminations interspersed with lyric poems, Owens’ book-length…

    Issue #81 April 2018