Mary Mackey

Fado Tropical
September 15, 2011 Mackey Mary

Fado Tropical


O mundo do rio
the world of the river
is not the world of the bridge not the world
of memory não o mundo do passado
not the world of the past não o mundo da
saudade not the world of longing

beneath the pollen that lacquers the surface beneath the light
that combs the water something indeterminate
lies in wait

o que é what is it
that swims like a fish but is not a fish
that eats bone and flesh but has no teeth
cold-blooded, intelligent
suave como uma pantera smooth as a panther

Leia a água
read the river


Mary Mackey is the author of twelve novels and six collections of poetry, including Breaking The Fever (Marsh Hawk Press, 2006) and Sugar Zone (Marsh Hawk Press, 2011 ). Her poems have been praised by Wendell Berry, Jane Hirshfield, Dennis Nurkse, Ron Hansen, Dennis Schmitz, and Marge Piercy for their beauty, precision, originality, and extraordinary range. At present she is working on a series of poems that combine Portuguese and English to evoke the lyrical space that lies at the conjunction of the two languages. More of her poetry can be found at