Ricardo Pau-Llosa

February 17, 2016 Pau-Llosa Ricardo



Probes on TV tell the tale of their

worthlessness—all rock and frozen acid,

enough ammonia to shine the pane of a solar

system. Beneath an ice-cap’s green and limpid

tide, the bets are off on whether cell-bright

creatures stir which breathe that leaden wash.

No more austere than our lone satellite,

their deck of molts is etched in the crack and splash

of wombed volcanoes clocked in gelid rage.

It is not chaos that herds them away from us,

but the laws of dearth whose iron, wealth, and range

edict the plenitude of shackled stillness.

Behold the spirit of our stubborn nature there,

the rocky proud before the destitute mirror.

Ricardo Pau-Llosa was born in Havana, Cuba, in 1954. He fled Cuba with his family in 1960, and in 1971, he graduated from the Belén Jesuit Preparatory High School in Miami, Florida. He received a BA from Florida International University in 1974 and an MA from Florida Atlantic University in 1976.

Pau-Llosa’s first poetry collection, Sorting Metaphors (Anhinga Press, 1983), was selected by William Stafford as the first recipient of the Anhinga Poetry Prize. Richard Wilbur writes, “Ricardo Pau-Llosa’s remarkable first book is full of poems which, however surprising or dream-like, are consistently lucid expressions of mind and world.”

Pau-Llosa is also the author of Fleeing Actium (Carnegie Mellon University Press, 2023); Man (Carnegie Mellon University Press, 2014); Parable Hunter (Carnegie Mellon University Press, 2008); Cuba (Carnegie Mellon University Press, 1993), which was nominated for the Pulitzer Prize; and Bread of the Imagined (Bilingual Press, 1992), among others. Also a critic of Latin American and Cuban art, Pau-Llosa lives in Miami.