Dag T. Straumsvåg

The Barricade
June 25, 2020 Straumsvåg Dag T.

Dag T. Straumsvag

The barricade measures two meters high and twelve meters wide
and is built out of the debris of the abandoned Meteorological Institute.
Desks, chairs, bicycles, tarpaulin, garlands, party hats, pointers, mag-
netic clouds and lightning, old weather maps. The maps are gray, worn
from use. Islands all along the coast have disappeared, wetlands have
shriveled into puddles, mountains have been ground down to gravel.
The whole country is down, unstable, dark. No stars, no sky. We’re
using coffee mugs with burning pencil stubs for lamps. Two lovers
are holding hands, a woman recites a prayer, three men are discussing
a drawing in the sand. “I didn’t see anything.” “I saw someone going
through the dumpsters behind the mall.” “Our neighbor is banned
from owning a metal detector in Germany.” Everyone’s waiting for
the wolf’s light, drawn here like hunters to warm fur. A cold wind
rustles through twisted bicycle spokes, the wheels grinding around
and around, churning up smells of a wilder place. “They came from
the north.” “Elephants are whispering in the gardens.” “God is distant,
far away, but is pulled back by a trip wire.”

–translated from the Norwegian
by Robert Hedin and Dag T. Straumsvag


Dag T. Straumsvåg

Barrikaden er to meter høg og tolv meter lang, bygd av vrakgods frå dei gamle lokala til Meteorologisk Institutt. Skrivebord, stolar, syklar, presenningar, girlandrar, papirhattar, peikestokkar, magnetiske skyer, gamle vêrkart. Karta er grå av bruk; øyer langs heile kysten har forsvunne, våtmarker har skrumpa inn til myrhol, fjell er slipa ned til grus. Heile landet ligg nede, ustabilt, mørkt. Ingen stjerner, ingen himmel. Vi brukar kaffekrus med brennande blyantstumpar til lamper. Eit kjærastpar held hender, ei kvinne les ei bøn, tre menn ser på ei teikning i sanden, diskuterer med låge røyster. “Eg såg ingenting” … “Eg såg ein mann gå gjennom søppeldunkane bak kjøpesenteret” … “Naboen vår har ikkje lov å eige ein metalldetektor i Tyskland” … Alle ventar på ulvetimen, dregne hit som jegarar mot varm pels. Ein kald vind raslar gjennom vridne sykkeleiker, trakkar hjula i gang, bringer lydar frå ein villare stad. “Dei kom frå nord” … “Elefantar kviskrar i hagane” … “Gud er fjern og langt borte, men blir dregen tilbake av ein snubletråd” …

Dag T. Staumsvag was born in 1964 in Kristiansund, a city on the sparsely populated coastline of western Norway and raised in the nearby village of Tinvoll.  The author of three books of poetry, he is a respected translator of contemporary American poetry. He currently lives and works in Trondheim.