Lia Purpura

Loud Walk in Fall | Regret
April 10, 2015 Purpura Lia

Loud Walk in Fall


There is something else
noise hurts.
Not just me.
Flinching abounds
in the open air
which hasn’t a body,
but still, is bare
and has been
walked in on.
That truck with no muffler
embarrassed it.





It’s definitely a place.
A land
I wish I hadn’t
visited, but
from where I’m standing
I belong there.
It’s a field,
it’s wide
and operates
by admitting
new thoughts,
by charging
It was expensive there
once, very costly,
but not
until now.

Lia Purpura is the author of ten collections, including essays, poems, translations and artists’ books. A finalist for the National Book Critics Circle Award for On Looking (essays), her awards include Guggenheim, NEA, and Fulbright Fellowships, as well as five Pushcart Prizes, the AWP Award and others.  Her work appears in The New Yorker, The New Republic, Orion, The Paris Review, The Georgia Review, Agni, Emergence, and elsewhere. Purpura has served as Writer in Residence at The University of Maryland, Baltimore County and Loyola University; other teaching venues include the Rainier Writing Workshop, the Breadloaf Writers’ Conference, the University of Iowa’s Nonfiction MFA program, as well as workshops at the Montgomery County Correctional Facility, and the Glenwood Life Recovery Center. Her newest collections are It Shouldn’t Have Been Beautiful (poems) and All the Fierce Tethers (essays).