Nancy Mitchell

Nancy Mitchell is a 2012 Pushcart Prize winner and the author of The Near Surround, Grief Hut and the The Out-of- Body Shop. She teaches at Salisbury University in Maryland and serves as Associate Editor of Special Features for Plume. She is the Poet Laureate of the City of Salisbury, Maryland.

  • Mitchell | Nieves

    Our mutual friend, the late and beloved poet Lee Sharkey, urged me to contact John A. Nieves
  • Meandering, Ebbing and Flowing with Slow Water: Stephan Crump and Nancy Mitchell

        Meandering, Ebbing and Flowing with Slow Water Stephan Crump and Nancy Mitchell     Acclaimed composer and bassist…

  • “unalone” with Jessica Jacobs: A conversation with Nancy Mitchell

    Thank you, Jessica, for talking with us about "unalone", forthcoming from Four Way Books in March 2024...
    Issue #149 January 2024
  • Mother, at Last

    You were Scarlett O’Hara
  • The Occult Power of bon mots, mots justes; Quantum Hopping with Angie Estes from Nancy Mitchell

    It’s this contemplation and attention which animates the occult power of language to conjure and fuse the past, and present and future...
    Issue #138 February 2023
  • Resurrecting the Body of Beloved, which is the World in the Body of the Book; Transformation, Transcendence and Redemption and Interview with Gregory Orr by Nancy Mitchell

    Resurrecting the Body of Beloved, which is the World in the Body of the Book; Transformation, Transcendence and Redemption  …

    Issue #128 April 2022
  • D-Lev, Messenger by Nancy Mitchell

    We’re thrilled to talk with Dana Levin on the eve of the April 2022 debut of her amazing Now Do…

    Issue #127 March 2022
  • Sister Dementia Remembers & Phone Booth

    Enough of bosom, ass, and pillow—
  • Christopher Buckley on NAMING THE LOST: THE FRESNO POETS; interview by Nancy Mitchell

    NAMING THE LOST: THE FRESNO POETS Interviews & Essays edited by Christopher Buckley Stephen F. Austin State University Press, 2021…

    Issue #122 October 2021
  • Memories, Friends in Dreams, and Reflections on the Poet’s Life and some Advice to Young Poets: Seven Minutes with John Skoyles and Nancy Mitchell

    Memories, Friends in Dreams, and Reflections on the Poet’s Life and some Advice to Young Poets
    Issue #119 July 2021
  • Ambassadors of Poetry Prevail in the United States of Pandemica by Nancy Mitchell

    In honor of National Poetry Month I interviewed five Poet Laureates
    Issue #116 April 2021
  • Always a Woman, a War, or a Lost Cause

    That hunched those men over Zorro’s
  • Ladder, Facts and Rungs—Dancing on the Train Tracks with Fleda Brown Interview by Nancy Mitchell

    NM:  These eight prose poems in “Treatises” speak with the authority of well-documented research and claim the same authority of…

    Issue #105 May 2020
  • Christopher Salerno interviewed by Nancy Mitchell

    NM:  I’m struck by the shifts of perspective within these featured poems, including human to non-human— in “SPORTS NO ONE…

    Issue #104 April 2020
  • Chocolate on my new pajamas

    Spun from a hundred cocoons
  • Amit Majmudar interviewed by Nancy Mitchell

      NM: In many of your online interviews, you’ve said something to the effect of when I want to tell…

    Issue #94 June 2019
  • Jeff Friedman interviewed by Nancy Mitchell

    It was like two different people battling for control of the same body.
    Issue #92 April 2019
  • Why I’m Here | Unbearable

    Why I'm Here
  • Katharine Rauk: Buried Choirs

    The work of Marianne Moore, arguably our quirkiest American modernist, has recently enjoyed an overdue revival. Perhaps in our precipitous…

    Issue #66 January 2017

    Its smell didn't wake my husband