Tomaž Šalamun

Three Poems Translated by Brian Henry
March 26, 2022 Salamun Tomaz

Lilies in Proust


I’m not my own bacterium,
I’m a foreign bacterium,
I’m a foreign bacterium with
its own identity, Saint Neža.
The light are off.
Malta is iron.
I’m a barrel of brittle skies,
I hear a gasoline engine.
A monkey boils cubes. Not
bouillon cubes, ordinary cubes,
red, yellow, blue
plastic. How much boiling,
what temperature
does plastic withstand in water?
We’ll see, find out and
report. The Scuola di San
Rocco admitted
the stooped, the maimed and
the fetid.



On this side of Manhattan I practiced my
Law. I cleaned the city with my white teeth.
I hung flags to orient myself more easily,
lowered flags to the ground and wrapped corpses in them.
No one discovered the mistake for a while. I wasn’t even bothered
about Y.  But the soul is eternal, not the letter. Some
fine day I ran out of money. It was around
six in the morning when I sat on a bench and everyone else
was still asleep. I had to tear a board from the bench
and make a boat, like when I came here.
I even convinced the guard to release it into
the sea with a pulley. And now I’m paddling and building
my muscles. I know: on this side of Manhattan I will
practice my Law again. The soul is eternal, not the letter.




O, master of pharmacy, they cloned your
golden head, your greedy downcast
eyes. You are my God, I meet you
often. I’m drumdrumming your head
with a fan, I’d like you calm. I’m your
appetite, you’re my appetite. I met four of you in
Salzburg. I have bait in my lap and I stick out
my legs. If I spilled a can of milk on you,
do you think I could save you? I’d delight
in this, how you poisoned us. We adore you,
Trakl. We’re personally licking your hair,
I, I would prepare expenses with bits
of your skin. On the plane we ate plump
mussels just like your plump heads.

Lilije v Proustu


Jaz nisem lastna bakterija,
jaz sem tuja bakterija,
jaz sem tuja bakterija z
lastno identiteto, Sv. Neža.
Luči so pogašene.
Malta je železna.
Jaz sem sod trhlega neba,
slišim bencinski motor.
Opica vre kocke. Ne
jušne kocke, navadne kocke,
rdečo, rumeno, modro
plastiko. Koliko vretja,
kakšno temperaturo
vzdrži plastika v vodi?
Videli bomo, zvedeli in
poročali. Scuola di San
Rocco je sprejemala
zgrbljene, pohabljene in



Na tej strani Manhattna sem prakticiral svoj
Zakon. S svojimi belimi zobmi sem čistil mesto.
Izobeševal sem zastave, da sem se laže orientiral,
zastave spuščal na tla in v njih zavijal trupla.
Dolgo nihče ni odkril napake. Zmotil se nisem niti
pri Ipsilonu. Ampak večna je duša, ne črka. Nekega
lepega dne mi je zmanjkalo dolarjev. Bilo je okrog
šestih zjutraj, ko sem sedel na klopi in so še
vsi drugi spali. Moral sem odtrgati desko s klopi
in si naredil tak čoln, kot ko sem prišel sem.
Še sem prepričal čuvaja, da mi ga je spustil v
morje s škripcem. In zdaj tako veslam in si krepim
mišice. Vem; spet bom na tej strani Manhattana
prakticiral svoj Zakon. Večna je duša, ne črka.





O, magister farmacije, klonirali so mi tvojo
plato glavico, tvoje pohlepne otožne
oči. Moj Bog si, večkrat te
srečam. S pahljačo ti drumdrumljam
glavo, rad bi te unesel. Jaz sem tvoj
apetit, ti si moj apetit. Štiri tebe sem srečal v
Salzburgu. V naročju imam vabo in štulim
nogce. Če bi te polil s kanto mleka,
misliš, da bi te uspel rešiti? Užival bi
v tem, kako si nas zastrupil. Obožujemo te,
Trakl. Osebno ti ližemo laske,
jaz, jaz, pripravil bi si izdatke s tvojimi
kančki kože. V avionu smo jedli tako okrogle
dagnje kot so bile okrogle tvoje glave.

Tomaž Šalamun (1941-2014) published more than 55 books of poetry in Slovenia. Translated into over 25 languages, his poetry received numerous awards, including the Jenko Prize, the Prešeren Prize, the European Prize for Poetry, and the Mladost Prize. In the 1990s, he served for several years as the Cultural Attaché for the Slovenian Embassy in New York, and later held visiting professorships at various universities in the U.S.