Salvador Espriu

A Canticle Rehearsal in The Temple and The Waters Do Not Return, Even to Meribà
March 25, 2021 Espriu Salvador

A Canticle Rehearsal in the Temple


Oh, I am tired of my land,
cowardly, old, and untamed!
Oh, to leave for the north
where they say people are
clean and noble,
cultured and rich,
free and awake,
and happy!
To the congregation, then, the brothers
would announce their disapproval:
“Like the bird that leaves the nest,
so this man has left his native land.”
While I, already far away, would laugh
at the law and ancient wisdom
of this, my arid people.
But I will not pursue this dream
and will remain here till I die,
for I am also cowardly and untamed,
and, what is more, I love,
in pain and despair,
my poor and dirty,
sad, ill-fated


Assaig de Càntic en el Temple


Oh, que cansat estic de la meva
covarda, vella, tan salvatge terra,
i com m’agradaria allunyar-me’n,
nord enllà,
on diuen que la gent és neta
i noble, culta, rica, lliure,
desvetllada i feliç!
Aleshores, a la congregació, els germans dirien
desaprovant: ”Com l’ocell que deixa el niu,
així l’home que se’n va del seu indret”,
mentre jo, ja ben lluny, em riuria
de la llei i de l’antiga saviesa
d’aquest meu àrid poble.
Però no he de seguir mai el meu somni
i em quedaré aquí fins a la mort.
Car sóc també molt covard i salvatge
i estimo a més amb un
desesperat dolor
aquesta meva pobra
bruta, trista, dissortada pàtria.


The Waters Do Not Return, Even to Meribà


An old September brought
new sea air to dusty
agaves, to vineyards
dead from thirst. When the rain,
prayed for, difficult,
perhaps impossible,
comes, it will flatten bones
of earth, alone in their hatred
of the prickly pear. Oh, the bitter
desolate words
that God does not hear, arid
endeavor of this my country
without hope of water,
without a tomorrow! Already the weak wind
is stopping, and I see how
a flight of birds, on high,
in slow circles,
gives us the last response.


No Revénen les aigües, ni a Maribà


Un vell setembre duia
aire nou de la mar a polsoses
atzavares, a vinyes
mortes de set. Quan vingui
la pregada, difícil,
potser impossible pluja,
s’ajaurà damunt ossos
de terra, sols en l’odi
dels nopals. Oh, les aspres,
desolades paraules
que Déu no escolta, l’àrid
esforç d’aquest meu poble
sense esperances d’aigua,
sense demà! Ja para
el feble vent, i miro
com ens dóna un altíssim
vol d’ocells, en lents cercles,
la darrera resposta.

Salvador Espriu (1913-1985) authored a number of plays and narratives, but was especially acclaimed for his imposing opus of poetry. He was in fact an icon of Catalan culture, though little known outside of Catalonia.  During the oppressive regime under Franco, though not overtly political (he did not belong to a political party), he became a spokesman for the students and other intellectuals who opposed Franco’s persecution of the Catalan language and culture.

photo credit: The Government of Catalonia (1980)