Kimiko Hahn

Kimiko Hahn is the author of nine collections and often finds that disparate sources have triggered her material—whether Flaubert’s sex-tour in The Unbearable Heart, an exhumation in The Artist’s Daughter or classical Japanese forms in The Narrow Road to the Interior.   Rarified fields of science prompted her latest collections Toxic Flora and Brain Fever (both W.W. Norton) as well as a new chapbook, Cryptic Chamber (Epiphany). Collaborations have led her to film and the visual arts. Hahn’s most recent award was a Guggenheim Fellowship and she is a distinguished professor in the MFA Program in Creative Writing & Literary Translation at Queens College, The City University of New York.

  • Found Poem: “Swelling Anti-Asian Violence: Who Is Being Attacked Where,” NYT, April 3, 2021 

    Queens | A 47-year-old man and his 10-year-old son
  • From Toying

    Like Tiny Tears
  • The Third Sequence: Time
