Mihaela Moscaliuc

Mihaela Moscaliuc is the author of the poetry collections Cemetery InkImmigrant Model and Father Dirt, translator of Carmelia Leonte’s The Hiss of the Viper and Liliana Ursu’s Clay and Star, co-editor of Border Lines: Poems of Migration, and editor of Insane Devotion: On the Writing of Gerald Stern. The recipient of two Glenna Luschei Awards from Prairie Schooner, residency fellowships from Chateau de Lavigny, Virginia Center for the Creative Arts, and the MacDowell Colony, an Individual Artist Fellowship from the New Jersey State Council on the Arts, and a Fulbright fellowship to Romania, Moscaliuc is associate professor of English at Monmouth University.

  • On making disorder make sense, on learning the voice of another: Interview with poet and translator David Rigsbee by Mihaela Moscaliuc and Judith Vollmer

    On making disorder make sense, on learning the voice of another: Interview with poet and translator David Rigsbee by Mihaela…

  • From Records of Explosion: Poems by Nianxi Chen, translated from Chinese by Melisa Cahnmann-Taylor and Kuo Zhang, with an interview by Mihaela Moscaliuc

    You are the first ones to bring/recreate Nianxi Chen’s work into/in English.
  • Poems from Mariella Nigro’s Memory Rewritten and interview by Mihaela Moscaliuc with translators Jesse Lee Kercheval and Jeannine Marie Pitas

    Jesse Lee Kercheval and Jeannine Marie Pitas in conversation with Mihaela Moscaliuc   Mihaela Moscaliuc: I am excited we are…

    Issue #141 May 2023
  • Translation Portfolio: Claudia Prado and Rebecca Gayle Howell curated by Mihaela Moscaliuc

    Translation Portfolio: Claudia Prado and Rebecca Gayle Howell   On El interior de la ballena, by Claudia Prado   Claudia…

  • On Muse Found in a Colonized Body, lovemaking, and activism:  Interview with Yesenia Montilla by Mihaela Moscaliuc

    Yesenia Montilla is an Afro-Latina poet & a daughter of immigrants.
    Issue #132 August 2022
  • On Peach State and crafting “the raw materials of circumstance”: An interview with poet Adrienne Su by Mihaela Moscaliuc

    On Peach State and crafting “the raw materials of circumstance”: An interview with poet Adrienne Su   Adrienne Su is…

    Issue #123 November 2021
  • Savagely clear-eyed: An interview with writer, flamenco singer, and literary translator Amaia Gabantxo by Mihaela Moscaliuc

    Amaia Gabantxo is a writer, singer and literary translator specialized in Basque literature—a pioneer in the field and its greatest contributor.
    Issue #121 September 2021
  • The House

    With stained red awnings