Hsia Yü

Hsia Yü is the author and designer of seven volumes of groundbreaking verse, notably Pink Noise (2007), a bilingual collection of English-language poems and computer-generated Chinese translations printed on crystal-clear vinyl in pink and black ink. The poems represented here are from her sixth collection, Poems, Sixty of Them (2011). She lives in Taiwan, where she has a sizable popular following and co-edits the avant-garde journal and poetry initiative Xianzai Shi, otherwise known as Poetry Now.

  • We Came This Way to Know the Evening

    Here’s a riddle:
  • Personal Life | I, Too, Arrived Here in the End | Godard

    The universe is vast and boundless
  • from Fourteen Fourteenliners

    Why can say passion fruit for instance always begin again
  • The Plumber is Here

    The plumber is here
  • Dear Reader Are You Having a Good Day?

    Dear reader are you having a good day?
  • Ready to Be the Lover She Remembers Forever

    The gods are everywhere