September 5, 2015 Plume

Readers: Welcome to Plume Issue # 51 –

September: Our fifty-first first issue! As you see, at last, now, our new, new redesign.  I hope you like it: the same format of twelve poems and a Featured Selection, but, I think,  easier to read, the font clear and sharp, and some nice little widgets and additions. (E.g., Under Staff in the menu you’ll now find photographs and bio notes and contact information. So – say you want to correct or revise a submission whose eproofs you’ve been sent: that would go directly to Heather Henderson morrygain@gmail.com  with a cc to me.)

But I think it best we leave it at that. You will discover what you will as you move about through the site. This month, as the celebration of our 50th issue continues I want to address only a couple of matters. Such as — trying in some way to express my profound gratitude to all of the poets, and translators, and visual artists who have appeared in our pages over these 50 issues — several hundred of you.  You know who you are and how much I appreciate your many personal kindnesses, your support and your astonishing generosity. I can say only: thank you.  Thank you. And I hope you will continue to allow us to present your work to — I am sure –our grateful readers in the future.

Too, as I write this at the close of August, let me say I look forward to the readings in Cambridge (9 September)  and New York (11 and 12 September).  I will have more to say, of course, when they actually have taken place. Many thanks to all who took part –let’s go with the past tense, assuming, you know, nothing drastic has occurred.

And note that there will be other readings in Cambridge after the first of the year, at Porter Square  Books  and possibly Harvard Bookstore,  with a couple of poets already lined up, but a slot or two still free – so  contact me at plumepoetry@gmail.com if you are interested.

We  will have our annual print anthology launch at AWP in LA in March, accompanied by a Plume reading. Again, two poets have expressed interest, but several places are open – though these tend to close rapidly. Again, if you’d like to join the Plume reading at AWP, contact me at the email above.

Our cover art this month is from Chris Maynard once again – his work appeared in PLUME Issue # 21. Its title, appropriate: “9/11, Times Square.”  Chris worked for many years for the New York Times, and as a freelance photographer specializing in editorial photography for clients as diverse as IBM, Massachusetts General Hospital and Old Stone Bank. He exhibited widely, but is perhaps best known for his New York gallery shows. He died in November of 2012.

Much more to come. See our newsletter (nudge: subscribe a click, really, and another to unsubscribe) for Teresa Cader’s introduction of this issue’s “secret poem.”

New Work Received this month  a shorter roster given last month’s plenitude) includes pieces from Nancy Mitchell, Ani Gjika, Jaques Reda (tr Sarah Arvio), Kevin Prufer, Robert Nazarene, Luljeta Lleshanaku (tr Ani Gjika) Jeff Friedman,  and Wendy Barker.


As always, I hope you enjoy the issue!

Daniel Lawless

Editor, Plume